Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School 8/18/2008

First day of 6th and 1st grade.

Friday, August 22, 2008

She just loves that donkey!!

I was recently down with the horses when I noticed Anaia laying on her donkey, Badonkadonks. I just had to get the camera to take a shot of this.

Horse Show

Here are some pictures of the girls and I at the most recent horse show.
Here I am doing open halter class with Nana. Anissa with her horse, Star are behind me.

Anissa with Summer after her Walk/Trot Class. She won 1st place.
Here Anaia is doing leadline on my horse Nana.

Here she is showing off her 1st place ribbon.

The girls did so good that day.

Anissa and Star after the Showmanship class.

Anissa got a beautiful ribbon for Reserve Grand Champion. Then at a later show she found out she had also won a hoodie that has the Comanche Crossing Horseman's Association logo embroidered on the back and her name on the front.

Anissa & Star at the Mock Show for 4-H.