Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Scrap Off Final challenge

Here is my entry for the final challenge for our Summer Scrap Off.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Child Photographer?

Here are two pictures Anissa took of herself on the back porch. When she gets a hold of my camera she is a picture taken fool! Maybe we have a future photographer here.

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Purple Predators

Here is Anissa with her softball award & metal. Her team (Purple Predators) did so well. This was Anissa's first year playing softball. She loved it!

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High School

My friends and I are placing our Senior Picture on our blogs. This is me back in 1985.

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The Sky

I guess I never really noticed how beautiful the sky can be. Maybe because when we lived in the city there was just to much around to really get a full view like you can here at the ranch. These are all taken from various locations on our land
here at the ANB Ranch in Strasburg, Colorado.
This photo was taken late afternoon.
Here the sun is just starting to set. The sun is going down quickly. Now the sun is completely hidden behind the mountains.

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July Sketch Challenge

Here is my lay out for the Sketch Challenge for the Scrappin_FUN group. The sketch I used for this is below. I won the challenge. Yippee!! I will now host the challenge for August.
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